Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Little Princess

on 4th of July, 2008, I wached alone a movie in my house. The movie's title was a little princess. In India father and daughter lived, and mother died, but they were always happy. One day father became to join War I of World, and she get to enter dormetary school. A few month ago she received bad news, father was lost in the battle, to her lawyer on her birther. At that time, because she could not pay school fee to the school, she was become servert at the school by dean. Her life was very difficult and bothered. However, she never lost a dream because she had a lot of friends and beautiful memories which were with her father. Being hate, dean bothered her so made her a thief. She run away and entered next house. Oh my god, she got to meet her father. After father hurted eyes in the battle, he received treatment his eyes in that house. This movie ended happily. That movie gave me perfect impression, and I could understand the story because words was very easy.

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